Search Septic System

15 Point Planned Service Agreements

Fifteen Point Aerobic Service
(Recommended at least four times, preferably 12 times, per year)

Check Aerator or Compressor Operation.
Clean inlet devices and filters, where applicable,
Check diffusers as needed.
Inspect tees and baffles for Defects.
Check and Adjust all Controls.
Clean and Check Pump Controls.
Check Air Pressure.
Check Pump Control Center.
Check Distribution Pipe and Venting.
Check Aeration Operations.
Clean Filter or Aspirator
Check for Air Leaks at Compressor.
Clean, or Replace and Dispose of Filters.
Check Electrical Connections.
Check Air Volume/Pressure.
Check Operating Voltage.

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Call (512) 338-1804 for fast, dependable service.
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